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Secure your site now or lose leads

Secure your site now or lose leads

It’s past the time to get an SSL certificate!  If you don’t have one, your site visitors are likely being told that your website is not secure, corporate security policies may be blocking it, and Google is downgrading it in the search results.  The good news is that...

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Changing Your Perspective Can Change Your Outcome

Changing Your Perspective Can Change Your Outcome

One of our favorite business writers, Simon Sinek, talking about how Olympic athletes frame the feeling they have just before competition in a way that improves their performance.   Hopefully, using this helps you or...

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3 Priorities of Reputation Management

3 Priorities of Reputation Management

How important is your personal reputation to you?  How about your reputation as an instructor, teacher, or coach?  That is, do you care what people think and publicly say about you?  If you are an entrepreneur, you should care a great deal about your business’...

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Play Your Game – The benefits of outsourcing

Play Your Game – The benefits of outsourcing

Before your students step on the mats to compete, I’ll bet you’ve told them “play your game.”  It’s a idiom we use to mean, “play to your strengths”, “do what you are good at”, “make your opponent work in the positions where you are your strongest”.  As coaches, we...

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